Thursday, February 26, 2009

A letter to Hillary Rodham Clinton

By Cheng Chung-mo 城仲模
Thursday, Feb 26, 2009, Page 8

On Feb. 5, I attended the oral arguments in the case of Roger C. S. Lin v. United States of America, in the US Court of Appeals, Washington. Later that afternoon I held a press conference at the National Press Club, where I declared “Taiwan belongs to the Taiwanese people” and “Taiwanese people need truth and honesty.”

The present court action is an indication that the Taiwanese are anxious to obtain liberty, democracy, human rights and rule-by-law, and to take charge of their own affairs. Here in 2009, 64 years after the end of fighting in World War II, the Taiwanese have finally been able to bring their grievances to the US Court of Appeals, and to allow the American people and the world community to understand the inequalities they have suffered, including the status of being “stateless” (as specified in the ruling of the District Court on March 18 last year).

Japan was defeated in 1945, and the US allowed the troops from the Republic of China (ROC) — which later deteriorated into a government-in-exile — to undertake the military occupation of Taiwan. The newest research on Taiwan’s legal status has found that today Taiwan is still under the jurisdiction of the US Military Government, and hence that the US still has administrative control over Taiwan. The Taiwanese must recognize these facts and then step forward and speak up.

It is my belief that all Taiwanese are willing to accept the following premises:

One, Taiwan’s sovereignty should belong to the Taiwanese body politic.

Two, after World War II, the document that determined the disposition of Taiwan was the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) of 1952.

Three, the SFPT contains the complete specifications for the disposition of Taiwan.

Four, all military attacks against Taiwan in the World War II period were conducted by US military forces, hence the US is the “conqueror,” and in the specifications of the treaty “the principal occupying power.”

Five, according to the directions of General Douglas MacArthur’s General Order No. 1 of Sept. 2, 1945, the military troops of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) came to Taiwan to undertake the military occupation as agent for the US, and later went into exile on Taiwan in December 1949.

Six, the ROC was exterminated by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 and lost its legal status of representing the Chinese people. Moreover, the PRC did not participate in the Pacific War against Japan, and was ineligible to sign the SFPT.

Seven, according to the provisions of the ROC Constitution, Taiwan is not included in the national territory of the ROC.

Eight, the Taiwanese should fully support the US’ “one China” policy, three joint communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act.

Nine, with consideration of all relevant US court decisions and other relevant precedents in dealing with conquered territory, it can be completely ascertained that the jurisdiction of the US Military Government over Taiwan has not yet ended.

Ten, the Taiwanese hope that the current lawsuit can rescue them from their status as stateless orphans.

With your graceful manner, open heart, careful thought and lengthy experience in legal matters, I believe that you have the skill to weigh all necessary considerations, and to arrive at a solution to the Taiwan question that will bring a lasting peace to the western Pacific. In this way, the 21st century will certainly mark a new era in fulfilling the aspirations of the Taiwanese people, and see the US again take leadership in promoting human rights and liberty. This indeed will be a wonderful legacy for your term of office as US secretary of state.

Cheng Chung-mo is a former Supreme Court justice and minister of justice.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



方剛上任的美國總統歐巴馬,高舉效法林肯總統「解放黑奴」、主張「人權至上」,強調理想的永續力量以及民主、自由、機會和永不讓步的希望。聽起來,令人動容。國務卿希拉蕊.克林頓就職伊始,即刻規劃亞洲日、韓、印尼及中國之行,循著新政府的響亮理念,宣稱「向友人及對手伸出雙手,強化與舊盟邦的關係,但亦將結交新夥伴」,「外交要以協商取代對抗;並以巧實力(smart power)做為未來美國對外政策的引導力量」。這些,都是令人無比興奮的了不起之宣示。

二月五日本人在美國華府聯邦高等法院為「Roger C.S.Lin(林志昇),et al. v. USA , No.08-5078」案出庭,並於當天下午在國家傳媒俱樂部(National Press Club)發表「台灣是台灣人的台灣」及「台灣人需求真實及誠實」兩篇聲明;吸引了國際媒體的極大注意,包括AP(美聯社)、Washington Post(華盛頓郵報)及Boston Progressive Examiner(觀察家報-美國政府新人事消息的重要窗口)都來全程採訪。本人已將訴訟相關資料、文獻等,詳盡地寄送美國國務院等機關,資作參考。開庭前,本人與被告美國政府律師Melissa Patterson有短暫寒喧;至於原告律師Charles H.Camp 及Peter Hansen更不在話下。


一、 「我是台灣人,對於台灣,我有永遠摯愛與感恩的故鄉情;任何情勢之下,台灣都是我心繫不可割捨的祖國」;「數十年來,不問身處何種境遇,都是以認同台灣、崇尚公義與為民解困,為最高人生指標」;「台灣務求在時潮的大變遷中奮力崛起,並融入國際社會的新秩序之中,成為一個有自主、尊嚴的國度,以承擔世界性及區域性應負起的責任。本控訴案「是台灣人追求自由、民主、人權和法治的具體表現,是台灣自己想做自己的主宰的即時行動;希望讓懷抱台灣的台灣人一起來分享這項莊嚴的歷史見證。」「美日太平洋戰爭」以後六十四年,台灣人終於能夠以台灣人權問題站在美國聯邦上訴(高等)法院;讓台灣人有機會,也讓全世界以及高度成熟有自由、民主、人權施展法治的美國,了解台灣人所遭受無國籍人民(美國華府聯邦地方法院判決文所稱)的苦衷。」


三、「相信台灣全體人民會願意遵奉: (一)台灣主權歸屬最終當屬全體台灣人民,(二)戰後,決定台灣地位歸屬,當屬「舊金山和平條約」,(三)該條約對戰後台灣國際地位已有完整的規範,(四)美國戰爭期間,美軍單獨軍事攻擊台灣的行動,是戰爭法上的「征服者」或條約所稱的「主要佔領權國」,(五)一九四五年蔣介石接受麥帥「一般命令第一號」,帶領軍隊暫時代替美軍佔領管理台灣,一九四九年卻變成流亡在台灣的「政府」,(六)ROC已於一九四九年十月一日被PRC消滅,喪失了代表中國合法法人地位;PRC未曾對日作戰,亦無資格參與SFPT和約簽署,(七)ROC憲法沒包括台灣領土在內,當然,更與PRC毫無牽扯,(八)美國的「一中政策」(中國沒有二個)「三個公報」「台灣關係法」,台灣人沒有理由不給支持,(九)從國際戰爭法、美國憲法有關歷史上因戰爭而贏得領土之相關判決等以觀,美軍至今未曾有過任何一件文獻明指USMG對台灣的管轄權已終止,(十)台灣人祈求這場司法訴訟,解放台灣人仍陷無國籍人民之苦。」





Monday, February 23, 2009






但當法官詢問Patterson:「美國政府是否曾以任何正式公文宣佈條約失效、美軍應撤離台灣?」 Patterson答不出來,法官反明確指出:「這表示美國仍是台灣佔領權國,應負起相關責任與義務,難道美國政府對台灣問題的處理態度是 [walk away](拍拍屁股轉身離去)?」






稱呼林何論述為「美屬論」是極大誤導,也是上 ﹝共匪及藍匪﹞ 統戰的圈套。主張加入「美國51州者」才是「美屬論」者。打官司終局是還我主權,公投建國, 因此正名是【法理建國論】, 或【法理建國論團体】。

唯有此一團体嚴正指明「﹝中華民國﹞及﹝中國國民党﹞是非法, 應遷出台灣回金馬」。並要求美國支持《台灣平民政府的成立取代非法台灣當局》。


環球漫話社 陳辰光 2009-02-11 謹上








台灣平民政府;中央委員會公告: 2009/02/23


美國國家檔案與文件管理局US National Archives & Records Administration最近解除一批極機密文件,其中有美國國防部的一批文件,從一九四五年三月到一九四六年三月之間的最高機密文件,其中有一部份標題為「台灣主權」。



一九四五年七月三十日的最高機密文件,編號SFE104報告,有代表性的美軍海軍戰爭協調會SATAE-WAR-NAVY COORDINATING COMMITTEE,原文共有十頁。





舊金山和平條約裡美國是被指定的主要佔領權國,這也是完全呼應一九四五年九月二日美國麥克阿瑟將軍所發布「一般命令第一號」之意旨,即美國是整個太平洋戰區的The occupying power 蔣介石集團被指派到台灣地區實施佔領任務蔣氏所代表的只是「次要佔領權」而已。


最高機密文件清楚說明,有關戰後台灣平民政府的重新組織是美國的責任,所以,最後決定台灣的權利亦在美國(文件編號SFE 104 附錄B第四項)。










第一、 雖然有開羅宣言之存在,但是台灣領土之主權,必須在正式和平條約裡給予明確 過戶才算是「主權移轉」。
第二、 接受日軍投降以後,只是台灣澎湖地區之軍事佔領開始,又依據國際法「軍事佔領不移轉主權」,當年「臺灣光復節」絕非事實。
第三、 美國原來對委託中國佔領台灣之能力不看好,也積極研究美國直接佔領台灣的可能性,但是後來基於「台澎地區人民大多是華裔血統」,認為華人理應會善待華人,所以,後來杜魯門總統與中國外交部協商,同意由中國負責台澎地區的佔領,美國最終沒有料到,中國共產黨將蔣介石集團變成流亡到佔領地的流亡政府,後來韓戰爆發,國際間不同意把台澎之領土主權過戶給中華民國流亡政府。


作者: 林 志 昇 何 瑞 元: 「控告美國政府案」代表人: 2009/02/01重新修定

Anniversary of '228 Massacre' leaves unfinished business in Taiwan for war crimes

February 21, 2:22 PM, 2009
by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner

Next week ceremonies in both Taipei and Washington, D.C. will mark the 1947 massacre of an untold number of tens of thousands during the infamous, long-suppressed '228 Massacre' committed by Republic of China troops. A Taipei memorial to the victims of the massacre has a plaque that tells the story.

"In 1945, when news of Japanese defeat and surrender reached Taiwan , the Taiwanese people were overjoyed that unjust colonial rule had come to an end. But soon the Taiwanese people were surprised to find that Chen Yi, the newly appointed Governor of Taiwan had no understanding if Taiwan and its people. He instituted unfair policies that discriminated against the Taiwanese people.

To make matters worse, Chen and his officials were undisciplined and corrupt. As a result, production and consumption lost balance, and unemployment and inflation skyrocketed. The people's resentment was mounting and fast reaching a boiling point."

"On 27 February 1947, while investigating sales if illicit tobacco on Yen-Ping North Road , Taipei , officials of the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau beat up and injured a female vendor. Then they opened fire, killing an innocent bystander. The public was outraged. The next day, citizens of Taipei took to the streets and demonstrated. The marched to the Governor's office and appealed for the immediate punishment of the murderers. In response, shots were fired at the demonstrators and several were killed or wounded. This triggered a furious island-wide protest and struggle against the regime. In order to resolve the disputes and to calm the people's growing anger, leaders from around the island began setting up committees to mediate between the protestors and the government. At the same time, they demanded immediate political reform."

"Chen Yi was insensitive and responded with highhandedness and treachery. On the one hand he negotiated with the committees and, on the other, he treated the leaders as if they were thugs and traitors and asked Nanking for troops. Upon receiving Chen's report, the Chairman of the National Government in Nanking Chiang Kai-shek, immediately ordered the dispatch of troops. On 8 March 1947, the 21st Division under the command of General Liu Yu-ching landed in Keelung . On 10 March, martial law was declared in the whole of Taiwan . Ke Yuan-fen, the chief of staff of the Taiwan Garrison Command: Shih Hong-hsi, the commander of the Keelung District; Peng Meng-chi, the commander of the Kaoshiung District; Chang Mu-tai, the commander of a military police regiment; and others started brutal 'cleansing of the countryside. ' During the subsequent crackdowns and purges, many innocent people were implicated. Within a few months, the number of deaths, injured and missing persons reached tens of thousands. Keelung , Taipei , Chiayi, and Kaohsiung suffered the highest casualties. This incident has become known as the 228 Massacre."

"Since then, the Taiwanese people were under prolonged martial law for nearly half a century. Both those in the government and the general public were forcibly silenced; no one dared touch upon this taboo subject--the 228 Massacre. However, the grievances and resentment against this atrocity continued to rankle and it was felt necessary to confront this problem openly before healing could take place. Mistrust between Taiwanese and mainlanders, and the argument on whether Taiwan should declare independence or be united with China , have become hot issues with potentially worrisome implications. After the lifting of the Martial Law in 1987, people in all walks of life feel that there would be no hope for peace and harmony unless the deep-rooted malaise was properly addressed. Accordingly, investigation and research into the 228 Massacre were started; the Head of State issued a public apology; the victims and their families were compensated; and a monument was erected. However, the task of healing a serious trauma in society must depend on the whole-hearted collaborative effort by all its people. We have, therefore, inscribed these words on this memorial plaque in the hope of consoling the spirits of the victims and comforting their grieving families. It is also hoped that these words will serve as a warning and a lesson to all Taiwanese compatriots. Henceforward, we must be one, no matter which communal group we belong; we must help each other with compassion and treat each other with sincerity; we must dissolve hatred and resentment, and bring about lasting peace.

May God bless Taiwan and keep it evergreen."


談論台灣問題,要先認識「軍事佔領」,台灣問題是「美日太平洋戰爭」衍生的問題,美國是主要戰領權國,那就找找美國近代戰爭史作參考。一八九八年的美西戰爭,西班牙戰敗,明文割讓菲律賓、關島和波多黎各,「懸空割讓」(Limbo Cession)古巴,但美國是主要戰領權國,由美國當然佔領古巴,毫無疑義。台灣也是一樣情形,美國是唯一軍事行動攻打台灣的國家,獲得「主要佔領權」國身分也是理所當然,舊金山和平條約第二十三條清清楚楚規定,雖然舊金山和平條約第二b條指定台灣「懸空割讓」,其精神應該是美國履行不再設置殖民地的原則,但是第四b條指名美國軍事政府「有權」處理及支配日本及日本範圍的人民與財產,要知道,在國與國之間的條約Property就是所有權狀,也是主權就是Title,其條約對美國的權利範圍清清楚楚,美國對台灣說三道四,「台灣關係法」的訂定都是根據第四b條當法源,根據和平條約規定,古巴的當年地位和台灣在美日戰後地位類似,這不是影射古巴與台灣,也沒有斷章取義,事實就是雷同。這就是戰爭慣例法,台灣目前的國際地位,按照戰爭法與現況來定義,確實是「美國軍事政府」管轄下的「一塊海外領土」,沒有人要將台灣給美國,而且在美國憲法中的地位,是美國「列島區第一類」的外國「未合併領土」,事實俱在,不容質疑。(詳見:台灣屬於美國「未合併領土」的法理根源文)

美墨戰後在一八五三年美最高法院Cross v. Harrison 判決:「在加利佛尼亞之軍事政府是因為管理上的需要及目的所建立,故『不因為和平條約生效而消失』,直到國會擬定相關法案為這個領土提供一般平民政府。」同時,一九零一年DeLima v. Bidwell案例中也引用並提及,戰後軍事政府會不會因和平條約生效而結束,已經非常明確,當年日本沒有割讓問題,所以和平條約生效自然回復主權,台灣因為有割讓問題,所以軍事政府仍然存在,中華民國是「次要佔領權」國,雖然佔領行為是因持有麥帥之一般命令第一號命令,但並不表示其佔領期間作為合法,(詳見:軍事佔領與領土割讓之關係)



作者: 林 志 昇 何 瑞 元 : 「控美政府案」代表人 : 2009/01/31

American diplomat was eyewitness to 1947 Formosan '228 Massacre' by ROC troops

February 19, 7:25 PM
by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner

Solemn ceremonies at the end of the month will mark the anniversary of the '228 Massacre' in Taiwan. February 28, 1947 is a date that will long be remembered for the brutal oppression by forces of the Republic of China against residents of Formosa.

The uprising and subsequent massacre that killed tens of thousands was triggered the day before by an incident in Taipei involving a humble street vendor. American diplomat George Kerr was stationed in Taipei and was an eyewitness to atrocities and murder. Kerr authored a book about the traumatic events, Formosa Betrayed. Kerr tells the story best.

"On the evening of February 27 a cigarette vendor and her two small children set up a portable stand under the banyan tree in Round Park….Monopoly Bureau agents appeared, accused the woman of handling untaxed cigarettes, and seized her small stock and tiny reserve of cash. People began to gather round. When she screamed in protest, seizing the arm of one of the agents, she was brutally struck down and pistol-whipped about the head. At this the angry crowd moved on the agents. Firing wildly, they opened a way for themselves to escape to a nearby police box. Behind them one person lay dead and the vendor appeared to be dying."

The next day a crowd of 2000 protestors marched on the Monopoly Bureau. Kerr picks up the story.

"I had been lunching nearby with the Director of our USIS program and with Formosan friends. We were attempting to weigh the gravity of the Round Park affair and its consequence when suddenly we heard the rattle of machine gun fire."

Kerr hurried to the Monopoly Bureau.

"As our jeep came into the intersection dominated by the Generalissimo's gilded statue, we found ourselves running between a line of heavily armed Nationalist soldiers, before the Governor's Gate, and a silent crowd of Formosans, facing them across the plaza. On the macadam roadway between lay the bodies of unarmed civilians--who had been shot down as demonstrators approached the entrance of the Government grounds."

Martial law was declared and military patrols would fire random shots as they drove threw empty streets. Days passed as killings continued throughout the island. In March, Kerr again found himself an eyewitnesses to tragedy.

"From an upper window we watched Nationalist soldiers in action in alleys across the way. We saw Formosans bayoneted in the streets without provocation. A man was robbed before our eyes--and then cut down and run through. Another ran into the street in pursuit of soldiers dragging a girl away from his house and we saw him, too, cut down."

"This sickening spectacle was only the smallest sample of the slaughter then taking place throughout the city, only what could be seen from one window on the upper floor of one rather isolated house. The city was full of troops."

For more info:

Thursday, February 12, 2009


「Masterful ambiguities巧妙之模稜」,是美日太平洋戰後,美國對台灣所採取的「政策」,但是,急於從日本領土「脫離」的台灣人,延續日治時代的「台灣獨立」口號,是台灣人給自己定位的「美麗神話」;到了太平洋戰後,追求「當家做主」心意未變,錯誤欣迎「故國佔領」,卻慘遭無情屠殺、鎮壓,殆至菁英消失殆盡。戰後六十四年,本土台灣人終能站上美國高院神聖殿堂,詳述美國法律,在國際法規範「佔領不移轉主權」「流亡政府不能就地合法」兩大原則下,盡述與平時國際法並行之「戰爭法」,將「佔領」「割讓」「軍事政府」三項意義詳述於法庭之上,本案經當事人迴避「政治問題不能審理」「國家免訴」後,高舉現行國際所推崇之「人權大旗」,終於能夠將「戰後台灣問題」推上國際舞台。

本案於February 5, 2009 (Thursday) 9:30 am正式開庭,法官三人 Judge Karen L Henderson(坐左邊), Judge Janice R Brown(坐中間), Judge Thomas B Griffith(坐右邊),原告律師Charles H. Camp &Peter Hansen代表林志昇等,被告美政府律師Melissa Patterson代表美白宮、國務院、國防部等。




法官問:「中華民國是否為美國的代理?」律師解釋中華民國是台灣島的管理者。至於法官提議說,其他的人權保障像Miranda right(警察逮捕人後必須唸一段被捕人的權利和義務),律師回答:「不(這不是基本人權保障,不是大法官所說的適用在列島區人民的基本人權;憲法的Miranda right不是給海外領土人民適用的)」法官對美國憲法賦予台灣人的人權保障令人感嘆,令人無法呼吸,律師回答說:「有人或許有如此反應,但是法律上可以理解」,法庭結束對原告之聽證。


法官指出如果舊金山和約可以解釋,美國為台灣主要佔領權國,握有法律上台灣的主權,美國的立場會有問題,將會有一連串的麻煩。法官又問:「主權與國籍是否為不同的議題?」被告律師說:「是的」又說:「美國不應該懷疑美國對台灣沒有主權(參看美國國務院對法院的答辯文)」法官又問:「是不是事實上的主權在法律上更為強壯(more legally potent)?」被告律師說:「是的,實際上執行者在法律上更重要,而不在於文件上的文字。」(實際上,我方律師在給法院的文件上,曾提出國際上的實際例子,國際法庭是看條約,依條約才做法庭的判決。中華民國雖有主張台灣屬於中國,但是美國已經完全否定,所以不算,美國也聲明中華人民共和國沒有台灣主權)



作者:林 志 昇; 「控美政府案」代表人;09/02/12

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Determining Taiwan’s status

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2009, Taipei Times

The rationale behind the case of Roger Lin (林志昇) et al v the US (“Taiwanese in US flock to sovereignty trial,” Feb. 7, page 3) has been discussed in your letters column over the past several years, always resulting in a vigorous round of rebuttals and denials from readers.

Many readers have argued that Taiwan was never invaded by the US and that Japanese troops in Taiwan surrendered to Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石), who was a representative of the Allies. They also said the specification of a “principal occupying Power” in Article 23(a) of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) has nothing to do with Taiwan.

The concept of “invasion” is not limited to ground troops — bombardment by airplanes and ships also qualifies.

The US’ status as the “principal occupying Power” over Taiwan is expected since all attacks against (Japanese) Taiwan during World War II were conducted by US forces.

Rights and obligations for the occupied territory fall to “the (principal) occupying Power” — the “conqueror.”

By contrast, neither The Hague nor the Geneva Conventions accord any status to the “troops that accept the surrender.”

Four facts are key:
One, none of the Allies recognized any transfer of the sovereignty of Taiwan to China at the time of the Oct. 25, 1945, Japanese surrender ceremonies.

Two, the mass naturalization of native Taiwanese people as Republic of China (ROC) nationals/citizens in January 1946, during a period of belligerent occupation, is illegal under international law.

Three, the 1952 post-war peace treaties did not award the sovereignty of Taiwan to China. As a result, native Taiwanese people are today without an internationally recognized nationality.

Four, military government is “the form of administration by which an occupying power exercises governmental authority over occupied territory.”

SFPT Article 4(b) asserts the validity of the US Military Government (USMG) directives pertaining to Article 2 and Article 3 territories — including Taiwan. Such a specification confirms that USMG jurisdiction over Taiwan is active.

My lawsuit seeks declarations that native Taiwanese people have “rights under the US Constitution” resulting from the treaty specifications.

In Saturday’s story it was suggested that some Taiwanese groups feel this lawsuit conflicts with the goal of Taiwanese independence. I don’t believe this is a valid criticism.

The nation’s various “pro-independence groups” have never produced a unanimous statement on Taiwan’s current international legal status.

As a result, their efforts mainly consist of trying to enable Taiwan to become “independent” from China (the ROC or the People’s Republic of China). However, such efforts are doomed to failure. My lawsuit clarifies the facts for all the world to see — Taiwan is an overseas territory under the jurisdiction of the USMG.

As an occupied territory, Taiwan has not yet reached a “final political status” — it is “undetermined.” The logic is straightforward.

Native Taiwanese people are entitled to hold passports of the SFPT’s principal occupying Power — the US. The Taiwanese public’s desire for self-government can only be achieved by first recognizing their current situation.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

林志昇:打贏這場官司 深具信心



林志昇指,去年三月十八日美國地方法院判決「台灣人六十年來沒有國籍」(essentially been persons without a state for almost 60years),但地院認定此案屬「政治問題」。不過依法「(舊金山和平)條約」的解釋權在上訴法院,他於去年五月五日向美國上訴法院遞狀釐清爭議。

據波士頓觀察報報導,美國司法部門在庭上一度駁斥舊金山和平條約與美國是否仍具有台灣主要佔領權國一事並不相關,而未提出具體論述,引起法官驚訝,法官甚至說出,難不成美國要拍拍屁股離開(walk away)不管條約的義務?



台灣地位未定論 美上訴法院審理




許多台僑在辯論結束後圍住坎普,討論台灣地位未定論的證明,還要坎普閱讀「被背叛的福爾摩沙」一書以了解台灣歷史。這個案子在華府地方法院審理時,法官克麗亞(Rosemary Collyer)判決美國政府勝訴,她在判決書中表示,法庭不能審理政治問題,如果不處理美國行政部門多年來刻意且小心不就台灣主權進一步表態問題,是不可能決定訴訟人在美國憲法之下的權利,這對處於平等地位的行政部門不尊重。


林志昇委由坎普律師向華府聯邦上訴法院提告,今天代表美國政府的律師是派特森(Melissa Patterson),除重申本案是政治問題外,她也表示,美台協防條約、美中建交公報和台灣關係法等後續法律條文,已經推翻了舊金山和約中有關台灣主權的主張。不過法官對於美國在舊金山和約簽訂時,是否擁有台灣的法理主權也提出質疑。




http://www.libertyt tw/2009/new/ feb/8/today- p5.htm

這個標題不是危言聳聽,而是前海牙「國際法院」法官小田滋(Shigeru Oda)兩年前所著《主權獨立國家的「台灣」——台灣在國際法中的地位》一書(台北國際文化基金會出版)的核心觀點。在馬政府全面親中,民進黨高層在台灣主權方向問題上舉棋不定,還有些綠營人士到美國打官司,要把台灣納入美國之際,實有必要重溫一下這位國際法專家對台灣前途的看法。










Friday, February 6, 2009

Taiwanese in US flock to sovereignty trial

SCRUTINY: Three Court of Appeals judges on Thursday considered a suit to determine whether Taiwanese qualify for US passports based on the San Francisco Peace Treaty
By Nadia Tsao
Saturday, Feb 07, 2009, Page 3
(Taipei Times)

Almost 100 Taiwanese residing in the US gathered at the Court of Appeals in Washington on Thursday to listen in on the latest proceedings of a lawsuit brought by Roger Lin (林志昇) that is aimed at ascertaining whether the US is still Taiwan’s principal occupying power and whether Taiwanese can demand US passports from the US government based on this.

In December 2006, Lin hired Charles Camp to represent this case in the US legal system. Lin cited the fact that Japan merely gave up its power over Taiwan and the Pescadores after surrendering in World War II and that it did not return Taiwan’s sovereignty rights to China. He also said that the San Francisco Peace Treaty did not deal with the sovereignty issues of Taiwan and the Pescadores, adding that the US was still Taiwan’s principal occupying power.

As a result, Lin and other Taiwanese residing in the US have requested that the US legal system look into what rights Taiwanese have, including whether they should be issued US passports based on the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the US Constitution.

When this lawsuit was first assessed in Washington’s district court, Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled in favor of the US government. In the court’s judgment, Collyer said that courts do not deal with political matters, adding that the way the US’ administrative departments have purposely and carefully avoided making comments about Taiwan’s status for years makes it impossible for the courts to decide on the rights of those appealing this case as this would be disrespectful to other administrative departments.

In Thursday’s hearing, former Judicial Yuan vice president Cheng Chung-mo (城仲模), representing the plaintiffs, and an assistant representing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared before the court.

Two hundred people attended the hearing, filling all 85 seats in the court, with others crowded outside the courtroom.

The plaintiffs were represented by two lawyers and the defendant by one. The hearing began with the three judges asking questions that were answered by the three lawyers. Most questions concerned sovereignty and political issues.

A dozen journalists from various countries also attended the hearing.

After the oral arguments in the case were finished, many Taiwanese who sat in on the proceedings surrounded Camp to discuss with him how Taiwan’s international status has yet to be defined. They also gave him the book Formosa Betrayed by former US diplomat George Kerr so that he could gain a deeper understanding of Taiwan’s history.

Apart from reiterating that this case was political in nature, Melissa Patterson, who represented the US government, said legal documents such as the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty, the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the US and China and the Taiwan Relations Act overthrew the ­ruling on Taiwan’s sovereignty as outlined in the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

However, the judge expressed doubt as to whether the US actually did have legal rights to the sovereignty of Taiwan when it signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

A verdict is expected to be announced within the legally specified time of one to seven days.

Cheng said during a press conference held afterward by the National Press Club that according to international legal procedure, the US must play an integral part in solving Taiwan’s issues.

Cheng, who has actively been behind this lawsuit, said he would take the case to the US Supreme Court if he fails to win the current lawsuit.

The lawsuit has however also caused an uproar among some overseas Taiwanese groups who feel it conflicts with Taiwan’s self-determination and independence.

Packed courtroom greets judges in Taiwan treaty lawsuit

February 5, 1:59 PM
by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner

A standing room only crowd filled the courtroom in the District of Columbia U.S. Court of Appeals where a three-judge panel heard arguments on interpretation of the 1952 San Francisco Peace Treaty that officially ended World War II with Japan.

The case, Roger C. S. Lin, et al v. United States seeks a declaration of rights under the peace treaty, which transferred the island of Formosa to United States military control. There is presently a three-way tug of war over the future of Taiwan, as the island is presently known.

Communist China wants "reunification" despite never controlling the prosperous island. Then there is the Republic of China, which the U.S. allowed to be a caretaker government-in-exile when the Communist revolution of 1949 swept mainland China, which wants to be independent. Finally, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit and others are seeking recognition of U.S. territorial control under the 1952 treaty.

Attorney Charles Camp argued for the plaintiffs and was questioned by the three judges. Camp reports that the substantive issues of the case were well understood by the court.

"When the Government lawyer was asked whether any document had ever changed that provision of the treaty [regarding U.S. military occupation], the Government said no. When asked by one of the judges whether the Executive branch could unilaterally change the provision in the treaty making the U.S. the principal occupier of Taiwan, the Government lawyer hesitated and the judge then answered the question himself. He said the Executive branch cannot unilaterally change the language of a treaty."

At one point in the hearing, the Justice Department asserted the 1952 treaty was "irrelevant" leaving the judges stunned at the lack of a substantive response. One of the judges wondered if the U.S. was trying to "walk away" from its treaty obligations.

The main thrust of the government case was that it was a political decision and not a legal one. However, the Justice Dept. attorneys did not cite a single case that would deprive the Court of Appeals from interpreting rights under treaties.

A win by plaintiffs would put them in a similar situation with the residents of American Samoa where the island inhabitants are considered U.S. nationals but not citizens. Plaintiffs are seeking use of U.S. passports and other legal protections that would come with territorial status.

A judicial declaration of rights under the treaty would end the arms build-up and ease tensions between Taiwan and China. Last week the United States allowed Raytheon Corporation to sell $154 million worth of Patriot missiles to Taiwan. President Obama's new National Intelligence director Dennis Blair is expected to urge more missile sales if the unresolved status quo is maintained.

No date for a decision by the Court of Appeals has been announced.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


一八九九年四月十一日美國與西班牙戰後,簽訂巴黎條約(Treaty of Paris)西班牙割讓古巴,但是沒有指定收受國;一九五二年四月二十八日美國與日本太平洋戰後,舊金山和平條約(SFPT)生效,日本割讓台灣、澎湖,也沒有指定收受國。比較兩者(古巴與台灣)戰後的情形,發現舊金山和平條約對台灣、澎湖之安排,與巴黎條約對古巴的安排,幾乎是如出一轍,或許古巴的事後處理(建國)過程,可以當台灣現在努力(建國)的方向,有助於台灣人民了解。美西的巴黎條約第一條規定:

事實上,古巴自一八九八年七月十七日以來(巴黎條約生效前),一直被美國佔領著,因此本條約第一條的內容說明一件事實,對「軍事佔領」而言,從巴黎和平條約生效到主要佔領權國(條約中之美國)的軍事政府結束,這一段時期也稱為「軍事佔領」,而古巴的美國軍事佔領一直持續到古巴當地成立「平民政府」,才會結束軍事政府;因此美國最高法院一八五三年的判例Cross v. Harrison指出:「在加利福尼亞之軍事政府是因為管理上的需要及目的所建立的,故不因為和平條約生效而消失,而是持續存在,直到國會擬定相關法案為了這個領土(佔領區)提供一般平民政府」。


檢视「舊金山和平條約」,或一九五二年八月五日生效,而以「舊金山和平條約」為母約「台北和平條約」(the Treaty of Taipei),甚至一九五二年以後生效的所有法律文件,對台灣的法律地位並沒有任何改變。今天為止,台灣仍然處於美國「征服者」的佔領之中,台灣還沒有進入戰後的「最後政治狀態」。所以誤會台灣人民可以依照聯合國第七十六b條或第十七條民族自決的人,可以暫時休兵。




作者 :林 志 昇 ˙ 何 瑞 元: 「控美政府案」代表人 :2009/01/29

附件: 台灣人的國籍歸屬 : http://www.taiwanba amnational. htm




Do you know that Taiwan is US territory?
The Taiwan Relations Act does not recognize the Republic of China as having any authority to issue passports to native Taiwanese persons.

Why is the Taiwan Relations Act a domestic law of the USA ?
Because Taiwan is a Type 1 Insular Area of the USA
Taiwan was not awarded to the ROC in the Senate-ratified San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1952.
Powell said: " Taiwan does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation."
We agree. Taiwan is not Chinese territory. Legally speaking, native Taiwanese persons are not ROC citizens!
Oct. 25, 1945 was not "Taiwan Retrocession Day" Native Taiwanese persons should be holding US national passports. The ROC on Taiwan is a subordinate occupying power and government in exile. The ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs should move to Kinmen and Matsu

Let Taiwan return to its original post-WWII legal position. Fully clarify the legal relationship between the USA and Taiwan ! Support the One China Policy: Taiwan is Taiwan , and China is China ! USMG should recommence its legal operations in Taiwan

During the period of WWII in the Pacific, all attacks against targets in the four main Japanese islands and (Japanese) Taiwan were conducted by US military forces. With reference to authoritative commentary on the US Constitution' s "territorial clause" (Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2) going back to the early 1800's, this means that Taiwan has been acquired by the United States under the principle of conquest. The disposition of Taiwan territory must then be done according to the laws of war. This will mean that the United States is the (principal) occupying power, and United States Military Government will begin its jurisdiction upon the surrender of Japanese troops. As we know, the actual handling of the military occupation of Taiwan was delegated to Chiang Kai-shek (aka the Chinese nationalists or ROC government). October 25, 1945, was not Taiwan Retrocession Day, but only the beginning of the military occupation of Taiwan .

In the post-war peace treaty, the territorial sovereignty of Taiwan was not awarded to the ROC government. Hence, Taiwan remains under the authority of the United States Military Government until finalization of political status. Numerous US Supreme Court cases have affirmed that for a territorial cession, United States Military Government (USMG) does not end with the coming into force of the peace treaty, but continues until legally supplanted by a US government recognized civil government structure. (A very early reference is the 1853 case of Cross v. Harrison.) Article 4(b) of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) confirms that USMG authority over Taiwan is active.

To date, however, there has been no official US government proclamation of the end of USMG administrative authority over Taiwan . Contrastingly, after the Spanish American War, USMG in Cuba , Puerto Rico, the Philippines , and Guam were all ended by formal proclamation.

Article 23 of the SFPT confirms that the United States is the "principal occupying power." Legal relationships arise from this fact, and not from a consideration of "what troops accepted the surrender".

As native inhabitants of an overseas territory under the jurisdiction of the United States , Taiwanese persons are entitled to "fundamental rights" under the US Constitution (see the 1901 case of Downes v. Bidwell.) Included in these are the Fifth Amendment provisions that no person shall " deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...."

Former Secretary Powell has already confirmed that Taiwan does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation. In fact, Taiwan is a territory under the jurisdiction of the United States . The ROC on Taiwan is merely a subordinate occupying power and government in exile.

The "liberty" of the Fifth Amendment includes the right to travel, and the right to travel includes the right to obtain a passport. According to the Dept. of State's Foreign Affairs Manuals and existing US Supreme Court precedent, Taiwanese persons are entitled to hold " US national non-citizen passports" in a similar fashion to the inhabitants of other US overseas territories after their acquisition.

See details on our court case -- http://www.civil- usca.htmCuba , Puerto Rico, the Philippines , Guam, and Taiwan were all acquired by the United States in an identical manner. The United States was the conqueror, and the (principal) occupying power, and there was a relinquishment of sovereignty by the "original owner" in the post-war peace treaty. These five areas all are (or were) insular areas of the United States . Taiwan 's relationship to the United States is identical.



1、 Whenever the laws of the United States refer or relate to foreign countries, nations, states, governments, or similar entities, such terms shall include and such laws shall apply with such respect to Taiwan .

本條文事實可以以更簡單的白話英語陳述:Terms such as foreign countries, nations, states, government, or similar entities shall include Taiwan, and whenever the laws of the United States refer or relate to such terms shall apply with respect to Taiwan.

整句重點在美國將美台之間關係定位為”foreign”,也就是說Taiwan is “foreign” to the United States, 並沒有替Taiwan 定位是否為主權國家。根據一九零一年最高法院Neely v. Henkel案判決,一九零零年六月六日,國會通過古巴罪犯之犯罪者至他國之引渡法案,其引渡之前提為:犯罪行為發生在美國所佔領、控制或管轄之「外國(無論是全部或一部分)」或「外國領土」內。這裡的古巴在一九零零年六月六日仍在美國軍事政府佔領之下的外國,所以,古巴是屬於所謂的「外國」,台灣目前仍屬於美軍是政府佔領中,當然被台灣關係法稱為「外國」,不是說台灣是主權獨立的國家。

美國在杜魯門總統於一九五零年宣佈「台灣地位未定」,當時流亡在台灣的蔣介石中國國民黨政權是中華民國,美國以主要佔領權國身份,委託中華民國代替佔領管轄台灣,稱中華民國和台灣的關係是:Chinese government on Formosa, 而到一九七九年卡特總統與中華民國斷交後,美國則改稱The governing authority on Taiwan recognized as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979. 而依照「台灣關係法」第四條b 項第五款提及the absence of diplomatic relations between the people (on) Taiwan and the United States,˙˙˙

可以明白條文內所稱People on Taiwan 指的是在統治管轄台灣的政權,而不是指在台灣的人。People on Taiwan 不等於People of Taiwan 另外一九六零年時美國國務院對台灣的看法:At the present time, we accept the exercise of Chinese authority over Formosa,˙˙˙可以知道從「舊金山和約」簽定前後至今天,美國對台灣地位的立場從未改變,六十年來保持一致性,就在英語中連介係詞”on”的用法也維持不變。由Chinese government on Formosa.到The exercise of Chinese authority over Formosa . 至governing authority on Taiwan及people on Taiwan, 甚至李前總統所使用的The Republic of China on Taiwan.也同樣說明兩件事實:

(一)、無論是稱Chinese government, Chinese authority, Chinese government authority, Chinese people,或the republic of china都指的是外來的人和外來的政權。
(二)、在美國政府眼中,Taiwan和Formosa及the Pescadores都只是地理名詞,頂多是一個nation絕非一個country。Taiwan does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation.一個不享有主權的nation,不可能被視為一個國家,所以美國政府的「認知」中,Taiwan is not a country with independent sovereignty.

作者:林 志 昇˙何 瑞 元: 「控美政府案」代表人 : 2009/1/30




台灣必須認清自己的身分,國際處境與地位,因為美國是「主要佔領權」國,研究並仔細讀美國憲法與戰爭法,才能有力量與籌碼與美國對談,將美國過去剝奪台灣人民已久的權利,一一討回來,要求美國確實履行台灣國防問題,台灣人自己決定未來命運,因此目前主張「台灣獨立」的口號應該改成「台灣建國」,才符合台灣實際訴求。 作者: 林 志 昇 & 何 瑞 元: 「控美國政府案」代表人: 09/01/20


無庸置疑,法理上,台灣人是「美國人」,台灣仍然是「舊金山和平條約」規範下的「美國軍事佔領地」,美國「台灣關係法」將台灣視同「外國」(依據美國最高法院1819 United States v. Rice 判例),因為台灣仍然是處於「法理佔領中」(依據美國最高法院1853 Cross v. Harrison 判例),也是如同台灣在世界貿易組織中的「獨立關稅領域」(依據美國最高法院1901 DeLima V. Bidwell 判例),這是國際對「佔領區」的代稱。





(本文同時在美國網路公佈) 作者:林 志 昇:「控美政府案」代表人 : 2009/01/28

Press Conference

Taiwanese US National Passport Lawsuit
National Press Club, Library Lounge529 14th St, NW, Washington , DC 20045
February 5, 2009 Thursday afternoon, 1:00 - 3:00 pm follows the Oral Arguments in US Court of Appeals

Latest Developments
Oral Arguments scheduled in Taiwanese Civil Rights case, Taiwanese persons applying for US National Passports with Professor Cheng Chung-mo as Representative
Feb. 5, 2009, Thursday, 9:30 am
US Court of Appeals, 333 Constitution Ave., NW ,Washington, D.C. 20001

Background Information
1. The decision in Rogers v. Sheng (D.C. Circuit, 1960) in accompaniment with the Congressional Research Service's Report to Congress of July 2007 clearly shows that the US government has never recognized "Chinese sovereignty" over Taiwan . John J. Tkacik, Jr., Senior Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center , The Heritage Foundation, also wrote an article about this in March 2008, concluding that: "For more than six decades, the United States has explicitly declined to recognize "Chinese" sovereignty over Taiwan , even under the 'Republic of China.' ".
2. The statement by many researchers that " Taiwan is Chinese territory and its incorporation is unfinished business from the civil war of the late 1940s," is in error. More correctly, Taiwan is a piece of unfinished legal business left over from WWII in the Pacific Theater.
3. Taiwan had been ceded to Japan by Shimonoseki Treaty in 1895. After Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941), all military attacks against the four main Japanese islands and (Japanese) Taiwan were conducted by US military forces. Under the internationally recognized laws of war, the United States shall be the "principal occupying power" of these areas.
4. In the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) of 1952, Japan renounced all right, title and claim to Taiwan in Article 2(b), but no "receiving country" was specified. However, what 99.9% of civilian researchers fail to consider is that Article 23(a) of the treaty designates (and confirms) the position of the United States of America as the "principal occupying power" of all areas under the geographic scope of the treaty. Furthermore, the scope of application of this designation is given in Article 4(b), stating that a US federal agency called the "United States Military Government" (USMG) has final disposition of all Article 2 and Article 3 territories.
5. The situation regarding "the final disposition of the SFPT Article 3 territories" provides a perfect parallel for Taiwan . According to the treaty specifications, both the Article 3 territories ("Ryukyus") and the Article 2(b) territories (" Taiwan ") are under the jurisdiction of USMG as per the specifications of Article 4(b). The relevant rule is that "Military government continues till legally supplanted." Accordingly, the end of USMG jurisdiction over the Ryukyu island group was announced by the US Commander in Chief (Mr. Nixon) to be effective as of May 15, 1972. Japanese civil government supplanted USMG jurisdiction. Contrastingly, there has been no similar announcement concerning Taiwan , regarding any recognized "civil government" being formed or operating in Taiwan at any time since 1952. Hence, it is easily seen that Taiwan has remained under the jurisdiction of the USMG up to the present day. 6. On Aug. 30, 2007, Mr. Dennis Wilder, National Security Council Senior Director for Asian Affairs, stated that: " Taiwan , or the Republic of China, is not at this point a state in the international community. The position of the United States government is that the ROC -- Republic of China -- is an issue undecided, and it has been left undecided, as you know, for many, many years."
7. NSC Senior Director Wilder's comments are accurate, and fully correspond to the legal reality that as a territory under the jurisdiction of "occupying power(s)," Taiwan has not yet reached a final political status.
8. Specifically, Taiwan territory is currently under the jurisdiction of the United States of America – the principal occupying power of the Senate ratified San Francisco Peace Treaty. The Republic of China is (1) a subordinate occupying power, beginning Oct. 25, 1945, and (2) a government in exile, beginning mid-December 1949. In other words, the ROC is serving as the "agent" for the United States in the military occupation of Taiwan . There has been no change in this status from WWII to the present.
9. The Republic of China on Taiwan is not a sovereign nation, and the native Taiwanese people, who currently hold ROC passports and other identification documents, are essentially stateless. This fact was confirmed in a March 18, 2008 decision of the US District Court for the District of Columbia , in the case of Roger C. S. Lin et. al. v. United States of America . This case is now proceeding in the US Court of Appeals.
10. The "One China Policy" as espoused by the United States Executive Branch is correct. The PRC is the sole legitimate government of China . Taiwan is an overseas territory under the jurisdiction of the military arm of the US government. Under international law, the ROC is conducting what is known as a "proxy occupation" of Taiwan . Oral arguments in Roger C. S. Lin et. al. v. United States of America is set for Feb. 5, 2009, at the US Court of Appeals, 333 Constitution Ave., NW , Washington D.C. at 9:30 am.

A Press Conference at the National Press Club will be held at 1:00 pm the same day. More information is available at -- http://www.taiwanba/ lin.htm or by contacting Mr. Richard Hartzell at com Additional contacts are: Mr. Cheng-kuang Chen 408-561-7556 chengkuangchen@ San Jose, Calif. Mr. John Hsieh 510-432-7353 john@jckhsieh. com Hayward , Calif. .


中國國民黨佔領台灣後,為掩飾佔領台灣的「非法性」,屢次發表強調「中華民國擁有台灣主權」,同時也曾在中央日報上報導:「連戰提出聲明:強調台灣主權屬於中華民國的歷史不容歪曲、模糊,開羅宣言、波次坦宣言、日本天皇終戰詔書、日本投降文書、中華民國光復台灣、中華民國與日本國間和平條約、舊金山和約等長達九年的歷史事實及國際法程序的六度確認,自一九四五年起台灣毫無疑義是中華民國的領土。」事實上,這種聲明是自說自話、而且自圓其說的謊言,讓台灣人一一檢视。 所謂九年歷史「事實」,是指一九四三年的開羅宣言至一九五二年的和平條約,總共九年發生的歷史事件,另外,國際法程序的六度確認,是指開羅宣言、波次坦宣言、終戰詔書、投降文書、中日和平條約、舊金山和約等六項文件,其中最終決定戰後處理辦法的舊金山和平條約,條約內容根本沒有決定台灣的收受國,中華民國甚至都沒有被邀請參加,因此何來台灣主權屬於中華民國? 一九四三年的開羅宣言有強烈「主張」戰後將台灣歸屬中國,一九四五年波次坦宣言也「主張」戰後要執行開羅宣言的「主張」,這兩個宣言都是「政治主張」,日本沒有參加,天底下怎麼會有「所有權人」不在場,私下就把別人的財產給分配掉的事?這種想法只有中國人才會的「佔地為王」封建傳統錯誤思想,至今還沒有破除,實在是中國人的悲哀,中國最近倡導的「和平崛起」真是諷刺,一九四五年八月十五日,日本天皇發表「終戰詔書」以及九月九日的「投降文書」,內容也不過是表明願意遵從盟軍所發布的「波次坦宣言」無條件投降,其中與台灣主權無涉,中國國民黨硬是把這兩項文書當作台灣主權法源,套句中國諺語這叫「雞毛當令箭」,荒唐至極;再探討一九五二年四月二十八日簽署的「中」日台北條約,這個時候的中華民國在法理上已經是「中國流亡政府」,所以一般是稱「台北條約」,其中第二條:「茲承認依照一九五一年九月八日在美國舊金山,簽定的對日和平條約第二條,日本已經放棄對於台灣、澎湖群島及南沙群島及西沙群島之一切權利和名義。」想想,如果簽署台北條約的「中華民國」不承認日本確實擁有台灣主權,何來「承認」舊金山和平條約之說?因此,所謂日本「竊取」台灣或自古中國「擁有」台灣不攻自破,條約清清楚楚言明,日本放棄台灣主權,但是沒有指定交給哪一個國家,因為根據國際法原則,主權不會消失也不會中斷,所以,根據舊金山和平條約第四b條與戰爭法中的佔領法,我們很容易發現,台灣主權仍然被「主要佔領權國」的美國所「握有」。 值得慶幸的昰美國「握有」台灣主權,因為這只是「暫時狀態」而不是「最終決定」,根據美國憲法規定,台灣人可以自己決定自己的前途,中國並沒有置啄的餘地,中華民國作為「流亡政府」和「次要佔領權國」的角色,只要替台灣成立台灣人自己的「平民政府」以後,就可以撤離了。 作者: 林 志 昇 何 瑞 元: 「控美政府案」代表人: 2009/01/29